Saturday, November 13, 2010

Veterans Day

After last week's celebration of Veteran's Day and the recent tragedy at Fort Knox we have been mindful of the great work and sacrifice that our armed forces contribute to our nation. We are thankful for the past and current service members who work tirelessly for our freedoms. Personally, I am very proud to call many of them family and dear friends.

Veteran's Day has passed, but let us be thankful all year! Here are a few ways you can reach out to say thank you. If you ask a service member they will tell you it means more than you know.

Welcome Home at Hero at DFW

Join the Red Cross in in sending cards through their Holiday Cards for Heroes Campaign or donate blood for Fort Knox

Get crafty and knit or crochet a hat with the Warmth for Warriors program

Looking an employee Hire a Hero

Teach your kids or grandkids to be thankful for our troops with Kids Thank a Vet

Or just hug the veteran or service member in your life!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Increased Security

No, we haven't started offering body guard detail, but we are increasing security here at Alert Response. We are excited to now offer vital signs monitoring in addition to emergency response and medication management.
Vital signs monitoring increases security and independence for individuals with a wide range of illnesses by allowing them to communicate daily with their doctors and health care providers while remaining in the comfort of their own home.
Vital signs are monitored through an easy to use modem that connects to the client’s phone jack. Each day the client takes their vitals and with the push of a button that information is communicated to the Care Center. If the client’s vital signs are out of line with set expectations or if vital signs are not received the client or necessary health professionals are contacted.

Blood pressure, pulse, blood oxygen levels, weight, blood sugar, glucose and exhalation can all be monitored. This is imperative for patients with a wide range of illnesses including, but not limited to diabetes, congestive heart failure, hypertension, asthma, and COPD.
Contact us today to see if Vital Sign Monitoring can provide security for you, your loved ones, or clients.