Thursday, September 22, 2011

Happy 20th Birthday Alert Response

September 22, 1991 - Alert Response was founded by Spud Newton at a small desk in the corner of his living room much to the dismay of his lovely wife Jeanie. Fast forward 20 years and as the result of hard work and determination Spud has built a business that has served thousands and thousands of clients throughout the DFW area.

When I asked my Dad what the key to his success has been his answer was simple. "It's easy," he said, "provide a level of service unmatched by anyone else. The equipment is easy, it's just plastic, metal, and circuit boards. Providing a level of service that our aged and disabled population deserves is where you differentiate yourself."

As I look back today I am thankful for the business my dad started 20 years ago, not only because it means I have a job today but also for the standard he set when he began Alert Response. I am proud to be part of this company and what it stands for and especially thankful for all of the employees and community partners who have worked so hard everyday to provide our clients with an unmatched level of service.

And as a quick side note, 34 years ago tomorrow my dad also started something Let me be the first to wish myself a happy birthday.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fall Prevention is NOT a Balancing Act - How Staying Healthy Prevents Falls

We recently talked a little bit about making home a little safer for seniors. Making sure your loved ones are navigating an obstacle course at home every day can go a long way towards preventing a bad fall, but overall health and strength are really important, too.

The older we get, the more we have a tendency to just take it easy when we have some down time - I know I do! But sitting around, or being fearful of getting active can actually make mom & dad more prone to falling. Let’s look at some healthy lifestyle tips that can help prevent falls:

Regular exercise. An exercise program builds strength and stamina – from heart and lungs to muscle strength. Exercise also boosts energy and helps with depression. Whether it’s physical therapy, a few steps a day, light weight training or just stretching, exercise helps sharpen our natural balancing skills and improves our reflexes – at any age!

Diet. A healthy diet, supplemented with vitamins, can still help keep bones and muscles in good condition, even when we get older. Eating right isn’t just for kids! Don’t let dad have ice cream for dinner – make sure he gets some broccoli before he hits the Blue Bell. Vitamin D and extra Calcium can help as well.

Eye exams. Take mom and dad to get their eyes checked at least once a year – and more often if there is a noticeable change or problem with their vision. Wearing the wrong glasses can result in tripping over objects, misjudging distance or becoming a little disoriented – and all can lead to a fall.

Medications. Many meds have subtle side effects – including blurred vision or dizziness. Many older people also take multiple medications – both prescription and over the counter – that can interact to produce side effects as well. Make sure your loved ones’ primary physician knows ALL the medicines mom and dad are using on a regular basis and how they can affect them.

Medical conditions. Chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes and COPD can cause dizziness and shortness of breath – which make us unsteady on our feet. Being aware of these conditions and taking extra precautions can help prevent an unnecessary fall.

In addition keeping a close eye on the overall health and well-being of the seniors in your care, you may want to think about an alarm system for a little peace of mind in case there is a fall. Alert Response offers the Personal Emergency Response Service (PERS), giving emergency help 24 hours a day. Staying as active as possible, eating right and seeing a doctor regularly can make a big difference, but it’s nice to know that extra help is there when we need it most.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Before the Fall – Simple Tips that Can Help Prevent Falls in the Home

I hate to admit it, but I’m a little clumsy – sometimes I get in too much of a hurry, and sometimes I just throw myself at the ground and miss. Fortunately, most of the time I can just pick up and dust off, but for older adults, falling is no laughing matter. Did you know that each year, one in every three adults age 65 and older falls?

As we get older, a fall can mean a serious injury resulting in hospitalization and a long recovery – but the good news is that many falls are very preventable. If you or your loved ones are striving to live independently, here are some simple tips to make home a little safer and help prevent a bad fall.

1. Have you ever noticed that your home is an obstacle course? Make sure that seniors have a clear walkway throughout every part of the house. Move furniture, cords, plant stands – any object that makes you swerve, step over or step around.

2. Take care that area rugs don’t slide or bunch up – either get rid of them, or secure them to the floor with a sticky backing or double sided tape.

3. Light it up! Older adults should not have to feel their way through the dark – replace light bulbs, use nightlights, and keep light switches and lamps within easy reach.

4. It’s ideal if the home is one level, but if mom’s house does have stairs, keep the steps well-maintained – no loose or uneven boards. Keep handrails secure and tight – and if the staircase doesn’t have rails, install them now.

5. Put the stepladder in storage and move hard-to-reach items down to eye level. Stools and ladders are just a bad idea, even if they seem rock-solid.

6. The bathroom gets an honorable mention here – we already know the bathroom is hazardous, with wet floors and hard edges everywhere. I’ll go ahead and remind you to put non-slip mats and safety strips in tubs and showers, and to install grab bars everywhere.

Even with good precautions, accidents can – and do – happen. It’s a good idea to have an alarm device handy. Alert Response offers the Personal Emergency Response Service (PERS), giving emergency help 24 hours a day with the push of a button. Above all, make sure everyone is patient and careful – that’s the best way to stay safe!